Staple Colors For Men: Here is a Complete Guide |
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Staple Colors For Men: Here is a Complete Guide

It’s very well said that colors are expressive. The color you wear at a particular time may reflect your mood or an occasion. At other times, you may be wearing it for a color theme party.

Yet gents, many-a-time you are struck between two stools when it comes to color. You may want to wear many colors at a time, but really aren’t able to decide which one to actually choose.

Of course, black and white are universal colors, but sometimes they become too impersonal to look at. And men, it’s the 21st century—a lot of scope for you to experiment with colors.

In this article, we will give you a fair idea of what are the staple colors for men. As an image coach, I will give you various tips on men’s style and makeover. That is, how to dress in as smooth a way as possible.

Staple colors for men—Everything you need to know

Fifty years down the lane, men used to have a specified dress code. Majority of the men wore greys and blacks, especially in the form of suits. This can easily be seen through all the movies made around this time.

Yet with the 1980’s and 1990’s, the wave of experimentation swiped away these basic colors. Now, men were more open to bold colors and more than willing to experiment. Today, gents wear formal, sophisticated, quirky, bohemian, and all sorts of color combinations.

As an image coach, I am here giving you a list of colors that will definitely help you in personal branding:

Navy Blue
Light Gray
Dark Brown
Charcoal Black

These colors will compliment any of men’s style and makeover. These are staple colors and if you have only these colors in your closet, you have a perfect wardrobe.

The best part is that all these colors blend very well with each other. You can easily pair Charcoal black top with a grey bottom. Plus, the combination of navy and white always looks impressive.

Furthermore, you can easily wear these colors in a formal set up. Whether it’s a church visit or a wedding or even a meeting with the president—these colors will rock all the way.

Another cherry on the cake is that these colors suit all personalities. You will definitely look good when wearing these colors.

Some men may think these colors are boring and basic. But this is far from being true. Also it is better to quickly purchase a staple color top then spending time thinking whether that orange shirt will suit me or not.

Also, have you noticed that even most advertisements on men’s style and makeover or images placed in a showroom have men wearing staple colors. They definitely invite a second glance, underlining the fact that these staple colors are great to go.

Men’s style and makeover is important. With regard to personal branding, it’s ideal to look good. With these staple colors, you will definitely walk with confidence and grace.