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It may be the first time for you to hire an image consultant. Find below a lot of common questions that I am asked to help make sense of the services offered.

Do I need image consultation?

Honestly, most of us  could use a little help with our image. We do not understand the importance of personal brand building and how it could help us succeed in life. Image consultation is the next step of the ladder. If you need an idea, you can always contact me for a FREE consultation to determine if you’re a good candidate.

The only thing that i need from my clients is the flexibility to change, make adjustments and be receptive to productive assessment. I understand that each one of us may have likes and dislikes or preferences. Its my job to give you feedback and a reason for my recommendation.

Would I be self sufficient ?

Throughout the course, We spend a good amount of time going over education materials to help you understand what to look for and ways to implement the knowledge for desired results. As a menswear consultant and a coach, I explain to you what actually works for you personally and why, assisting you to learn & understand the entire process for the future.

What’s the cost ?

Cost for Online learning & In person training is defined. We do offer some extra benefits from time to time. I personally provide you surety that there are no hidden or extra charges. I do not charge by the hour which means that there are no extra charges if we go over time in giving you the transformation of a lifetime.

Requirement for Online learning ?

Apart from the will to change and succeed in life , the only other thing needed is a working computer with a good internet connection.

Location for In Person one day training ?

The in person one day turnaround takes place in my Studio in Gurgaon or Delhi.

Can I bring an additional person to my session ?

Bringing someone with you is neither advised nor allowed.

I value your time and money spent on getting the transformation. I like to be focused on you to achieve the desired goals . Friends & spouses often judge you based on what is attractive to them, not necessarily by what looks best on you. This isn’t always the case, but we’re trying to avoid any complication in the process.

Payment policy ?

Regrettably, we do not provide credit options for our services. We require upfront payment, which can be made via Cheque, Credit card, or Bank Transfer. Nonetheless, we have established partnerships with select banks that offer the convenience of  converting the course fees into installment plans spanning 3, 6, or 9 months, should you prefer such a payment arrangement.

How long will it take ?

The online course I offer is designed to be self-paced and consists of 30 video lessons. Additionally, there will be a scheduled one-to-one video call each week to address any doubts or questions you may have. However, it is anticipated that you will be able to complete the course within a timeframe of fewer than 5 weeks.

The in Person one day training program consists of two separate one-to-one sessions, each spanning approximately 4 hours per day

Privacy Policy; I wish to remain anonymous ?

We highly prioritize client privacy and ensure that we respect your confidentiality. Your name and pictures will never be used without your explicit consent.

Do you help women ?

To provide a more tailored and focused assistance, my expertise primarily revolves around assisting men. However, if you are a woman seeking similar guidance, I would be more than happy to recommend other respected and highly skilled consultants who specialize in working with women.

Do you entertain speaking assignments ?

In my role as a keynote speaker, I deliver engaging presentations to corporations, associations, colleges and professional institutes focusing on the principles of power dressing and personal branding. Through my expertise, I provide meticulously crafted advice to assist individuals in enhancing their professional image.