How to Command Respect: A Complete Guide |
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How to Command Respect: A Complete Guide

It’s commonly said that you earn respect rather than getting it on your own. It does not come by default, but many aspects including your personal branding play a crucial role in getting the respect you deserve.

Hence, as an image coach, I always vouch for personal branding. How you look, you dress up, and even to the extent of how you wear fragrance matters a lot in eliciting respect.

Commanding respect also revolves a lot around the notion of gut feeling. Gut feeling is an intuition about a particular person.

Think about it. Say you are stranded in an area and are just unable to reach your destination. You see two kinds of men on the street: one with a formal suit walking with confidence and the other a happy-go-lucky guy hustling in his own vibe. To whom would you ask the directions?

In most probability your answer will be a man with formal wear. This is because that person looks trustworthy and respectful.

In this article, I will detail how clothing plays an instrumental role in personal branding. As an image consultant, I will detail you on how to command respect with the right kind of clothing.

How can clothing help in personal branding

You must have seen that most professions have a dress code. For example, doctors generally wear light blue, long sleeved dress with or without a white coat. Hence if you see a person in this attire in public, your first impression will be that he/she is a doctor.

What will follow after this spectacle is a sense of respect for the person. If that person approaches and talks to you and asks for some assistance, you will definitely help him/her and talk to him/her with respect.

On the other hand, what do you do when a beggar in tattered clothes asks you for financial help? Most of the people just shoo him/her away.

Similarly, formal wear is considered ideal for an interview. The probability of you performing better when wearing formals than casuals mounts. Besides your skill set, confidence, qualifications, and experience, the way you express yourself through clothes speaks volumes.

Furthermore, every occasion has a dress code. For example, if you are going to a party, your dress may be shimmery reflecting the sparkling mood you are set in. On the other hand, if you are going to a funeral, you generally wear plain white. This reflects your sullen mood over the

Hence, an individual’s dress underlines various aspects about his/her personality. For example, in an interview, it reflects a person’s attitude and approach towards getting that job.

Thus, clothing does not only have a functional role—protecting you from heat and cold. It does much more than that. With such a strong psychological aspect of clothing, as an image consultant, I would suggest you to prefer formals anytime and everytime

Formals definitely give a sharp and sophisticated look and automatically command respect from the other end.