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The Methodology of Personal Branding :

Especially if you know NOTHING

Be an Impact creator .
Walk into a room and OWN it .
Increase your Revenue by upto 50 %
Be treated with Trust, Respect & Authority in your niche
Discover and project your message to the world on who you are and what you stand for

Apply for your free orientation

Why are some men more successful than others ?

Can I be brutally honest here for a second ?

It’s NOT time

We all have the same 24 hours in a day

It’s NOT elite university education

Azim Premji dropped out of school and is India’s 5th richest billionaire

It’s NOT because of their “Muscular Body”

Mukesh Ambani doesn’t have a 6-pack

What do they know that you don’t ?

How did they figure it out ?

Be honest ….

this is what you deal with:

You lack understanding regarding why your competitors outperform you.
You manage to get small contracts, but you're having a tough time landing the big and important ones you really want.
You possess the skills and knowledge, but there's something you are unaware of or missing.
You are unable to put your point across in business or social settings.
You are unhappy with the way your professional life is performing.
Your professional life is also having an effect on your personal life .
Everyone questions your decisions DESPITE the fact you’re right
You want to improve your Image or personality, but do not know where to start … WAY too much info out there and half of it contradicts itself.
You wish to be an IMPACT CREATOR but people around you do not take you as one.
You are UNHAPPY within … Losing your inner fire, Your edge …

Apply for your free orientation

What if there was a PROVEN system that could help you:

Be an Impact creator .
Walk into a room and OWN it .
Increase your Revenue by upto 50 %
Start your morning off in PEAK state.
Get business which you truly deserve.
Discover how to signal strength, status, and authority
Discover and project your message to the world on who you are and what you stand for.
Start your morning off in PEAK state.
Get business which you truly deserve.
Fulfill your goals to be successful professionally and personally

Well – you don’t have to wonder … I BUILT IT !

The Million Dollar Image is my ULTIMATE coaching programme that leverages the
“Science of Style” …

I give you a blueprint to use my proven principles … instantly ! Before we go any further … I can tell, you may be skeptical.

Here’s what this course IS NOT:

Unusual tips or easy fashion tricks.
Following the latest trends.
Dressing up just for the fun of it.
A dubious `` law of attraction `` program that simply advises you to concentrate more.

Here’s what this course is:

Importance of Personal Brand Building
Significance of non verbal communication
Fundamental principles of work management and essential skills to excel
Proven Business & Social etiquettes
Mastering the science of style ( Utilize the influence of clothing, colors, body shape, facial features, color combinations, shoes, accessories, fragrance, glasses, haircut, and wardrobe essentials to create a perception that enhances your earnings. )

In other words, we help you


yourself …

What you need to WIN !

Right Info at Right Time
Precise & Consistent Action
Know What To Measure & How To Measure
What & When To Adjust

Apply for your free orientation

Okay – so who am I ? And what qualifies me to teach this stuff ?

I am Dr Puneet Kochhar – A Personal Brand Building & an Image coach

Awarded with a Doctorate in Personal Brand Building & Image Consultancy
Keynote Speaker on the subject of Power Dressing
Author of the book “ You are what you wear – Empowering the brand YOU ”
Certified International trainer – International coaching federation
Certified Life coach – International coaching federation
Certified Executive coach – International coaching federation