Online Learning |
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Online Learning

The most in depth and practical knowledge delivered to you through interactive online sessions .

What’s Included

Online coaching on a video call covering the following :

Importance of personal Branding & how clothes help you achieve success in work & personal life.
How to build the best version of yourself.
Style mistakes that most men make.
Weighing the Pros & Cons of different dress codes.
Understanding Body shape & related clothing choices.
Facial analysis to identify your specific face shape with glasses & frames as centerpoint.
Comprehensive Suit Analogy.
Concentrated apparel ( Shirt, Trouser etc ) discussion.
In Depth shoe sense.
Discussion on accessorizing outfit with belts, ties, Pocket square.
Watch etiquettes.
Fragrance as a vital grooming aid.
The perfect hairstyle recommendation.
Wardrobe essentials.
A personal mood board to define your personal style.
Etiquettes & Business Skills.


Certificate of Achievement

FREE follow up sessions

Access to all course material

Life long Mentorship & hand holding

Additional Alumni privileges

Apply for your free orientation